
linkMarkdown Cheat Sheet

Checkout docs/md/docs/ to see the markdown behind this page. Note that this is only a cheat-sheet, for a more complete list of specific markdown features of codedoc, check out the official docs.

Official Docs

⚠️⚠️ Do not forget to REMOVE THIS PAGE from your actual documentation! ⚠️⚠️


You can add buttons to your documents like this:
1link> :Buttons

2link> > :Button label=Click Me!, url=


4link> > :Button label=Click Me Too!, url=

Which looks like this:

Click Me!Click Me Too!

You can create icon buttons as well. By default material icons are used:
1link> :Buttons

2link> > :Button icon=true, label=android, url=


4link> > :Button icon=true, label=code, url=


6link> > :Button label=GitHub, url=

Which looks like this:


You can add a copy button after a code element. This button would copy the contents of the code element.
1link> :Buttons

2link> > :CopyButton


You can add tabbed content like this:
1link> :Tabs

2link> > :Tab title=First Tab

3link> >

4link> > So this is the content of the first tab. Lets even have some code here:

5link> > ```tsx | index.tsx

6link> > import { Renderer } from '@connectv/html';

7link> >

8link> > const renderer = new Renderer();

9link> > renderer.render(<div>Hellow World!</div>).on(document.body);

10link> > ```


12link> > :Tab title=Second Tab

13link> >

14link> > Perhaps some other content here, maybe some more code?

15link> >

16link> > ```tsx | another.tsx

17link> > import { Renderer } from '@connectv/html';

18link> > import { timer } from 'rxjs';

19link> >

20link> > const renderer = new Renderer();

21link> > renderer.render(<div>You have been here for {timer(0, 1000)} second(s).</div>)

22link> > .on(document.body);

23link> > ```

So this is the content of the first tab. Lets even have some code here:

1linkimport { Renderer } from '@connectv/html';


3linkconst renderer = new Renderer();

4linkrenderer.render(<div>Hellow World!</div>).on(document.body);

Perhaps some other content here, maybe some more code?

1linkimport { Renderer } from '@connectv/html';

2linkimport { timer } from 'rxjs';


4linkconst renderer = new Renderer();

5linkrenderer.render(<div>You have been here for {timer(0, 1000)} second(s).</div>)



You can add collapsible sections like this:
1link> :Collapse label=Collapsible content (click to open)


3link> This content is collapsed by default. You can write _any_ markdown syntax you would

4link> like here as this is simply just an enhanced `block quote` element. You can even have lists:

5link> - with multiple

6link> - items and stuff


8link> > :Collapse label=Or nested collapsible content (click to open)

9link> >

10link> > > :Collapse label=Collapception

11link> > >

12link> > > To any depth that your heart might desire.


14link> This component is particularly useful in the table of contents (the left-side menu, activatable by

15link> clicking on the hamburger menu in the footer), when you have got many documents and you would want to

16link> neatly categorize them.

Collapsible content (click to open)chevron_right

This content is collapsed by default. You can write any markdown syntax you would like here as this is simply just an enhanced block quote element. You can even have lists:

  • with multiple
  • items and stuff
Or nested collapsible content (click to open)chevron_right
Collapception (click to open)chevron_right

To any depth that your heart might desire.

This component is particularly useful in the table of contents (the left-side menu, activatable by clicking on the hamburger menu in the footer), when you have got many documents and you would want to neatly categorize them.

linkDark/Light Content

If you have some content that differs in light mode vs in dark mode, you can use DarkLight component:
1link> :DarkLight

2link> > :InDark

3link> >

4link> > We are SO DARK! This content is only shown in dark-mode. Switch to light-mode

5link> > by clicking on the dark/light toggle in the footer to see the light-mode specific content.


7link> > :InLight

8link> >

9link> > LIGHT bless you! This content is only shown in light-mode. Switch to dark-mode

10link> > by clicking on the dark/light toggle in the footer to see the dark-mode specific content

We are SO DARK! This content is only shown in dark-mode. Switch to light-mode by clicking on the dark/light toggle in the footer to see the light-mode specific content.

LIGHT bless you! This content is only shown in light-mode. Switch to dark-mode by clicking on the dark/light toggle in the footer to see the dark-mode specific content

If you are wondering why someone would EVER need such a thing, well I did. Because I wanted to display different banner images based on dark-mode / light-mode:

1link> :DarkLight

2link> > :InLight

3link> >

4link> > ![header](


6link> > :InDark

7link> >

8link> > ![header](



Yeah I know the life of an idealist is never easy.

You can add previous and next buttons to your pages like this:

1link> :ToCPrevNext

Which would then look like this:

Markdown Cheat SheetButtonsTabsCollapseDark/Light ContentNavigation

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